KuppingerCole Executive View of Network Detection and Response (NDR) Solution ExeonTrace

Executive Review of ExeonTrace NDR

A deep dive into Network Detection and Response for organizations looking to combat cyber threats.

What's Inside?

As reviewed by KuppingerCole:

  • Organisational security requirements
  • Security tools and Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs)
  • Key differentiator for NDR: detection through machine learning (ML) algorithms
  • Deployment and technical specifications
  • Thorough analysis and objective overview of ExeonTrace
John Tolbert KuppingerCole - Rounded

by John Tolbert

Director of Cybersecurity Research and Lead Analyst at KuppingerCole

Network monitoring is a foundational element of security architecture. Sophisticated attackers may deliberately delete logs on servers and endpoints to cover up their tracks.

This means that the network, including private and public clouds, may be the last place that investigators can look to find evidence of malicious activities.

Organizations need observability and the capabilities to take action at the network layer to better defend against cyber-attacks.


What Our Clients Say

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Patrick Käppeli, Network & Security Engineer

"Exeon is our cybersecurity alarm system, alerting us to any network anomalities. What also really convinced us is the intuitive interface of the platform – it has become a tool to reliably monitor and secure our data and network."

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Head IT Security, PostFinance

"PostFinance has chosen ExeonTrace because of its open and future-proof architecture. Not needing any hardware sensors  and being able to control data flows, we didn’t have to make any significant changes to our existing infrastructure. We are also convinced by the cooperation with the competent and technically outstanding Exeon team."


Nils Planzer, CEO

"As CEO and owner of a fast moving logistics company, I cannot afford any system interruptions due to cyber incidents. With ExeonTrace, we have found a Swiss solution to monitor our network and quickly detect cyber threats."


Trusted by:

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Monitor your Network. Detect Cyber Threats.

Automatically monitor your entire IT, IoT and OT network, immediately detect cyber threats and help security teams respond faster and more efficiently to cyber incidents. Find out why industry leaders across Europe trust in ExeonTrace.



It’s impossible to completely secure an organization against cyber attacks. At some point, attackers will successfully compromise nearly any organization.

Thus, the relevant question is, can an organization detect and mitigate a cyber attack before their data is stolen and encrypted?

- Dr. sc. David Gugelmann, CEO @ Exeon Analytics